OPI Math Ed Wiki: http://opi.mt.gov/groups/mathed/
Critical Areas At-A-Glance: (even High School--but not by course)
How aligned is your textbook? (Achievethecore evaluation docs)
**Print your grade level from these 2 documents (20-60 pages each)--Great teacher ideas/activities and student ideas and questions!! Plus, the practices by grade level! Just keep them in your curriculum binder and review them before you teach a new standard.
~~New Link to the Curriculum Organizers Folder, both MT and NC~~ The Montana Mathematics Grade Level Curriculum Organizers - more teacher examples Explanations and Examples of Math Standards (NC) - more student examples
Resources organized by Math Practices:Math Practices Posters by grade band: (K-1),(2-3), (4-5), (6) (from Jordan School District, UT)
Want to see what the practices look like in action? Some nice classroom videos: www.teachingchannel.org
Details of the Practices with Videos (Illustrative Mathematics)
Give immediate and quality feedback...use rubrics!
1. Problem Solving
- Complete Middle School Math Activities Folder (Sarah Zook and Jaime Peterson)
- STEM: especially mathinscience.info (keep searches general--just content or grade level)
- Problems of the Month and Performance Tasks (insidemathematics.org)
- ccssmath.org: search CC codes, links to other sites
- Illustrative Mathematics: Performance tasks linked to the CC standards
- Refresh your memory about why real problem solving--watch Dan Meyer video on Ted Talks
- Follow his blog: blog.mrmeyer.com
- View his 3 Act Lessons: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjIqyKM9d7ZYdEhtR3BJMmdBWnM2YWxWYVM1UWowTEE#gid=0
- National STEM Centre (click the Math tab and Age filter on left)
- Data Library of data sets to use for calculations: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/
- NCTM Illuminations: http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonDetail.aspx?id=L721
- PBS Learning-Math: videos, episodes, lessons (very detailed)
- FREE Online drawing tools
- MS Equation Editor: built in to Word. Instructions.
- Scientific Notebook: BEST software for writing explanations AND performing math computation, graphing, etc. Cool Sample Doc from Cornell University.
- Graphing linear equations from real-life examples!! graphingstories.com
- Shell Math: Free math pdfs on a variety of math topics (functions, geometry, ...)
- Document Cameras: Great ideas/activities. Use to share their reasoning with others.
- Smartboard: ideas for sharing student reasoning/work
- Discussion Protocols: Ways to structure quick, effective communication!
- Timer to keep them moving: www.online-stopwatch.com
- Build Vocabulary: Granite School District (site temporarily unavailable :(, but here is the main Vocabulary Document
- Virginia Dept of Ed.: Word Wall Cards
- MS Equation Editor: built in to Word. Instructions.
- Scientific Notebook: BEST software for writing explanations AND performing math computation, graphing, etc.
- Graphic Organizers: http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/Graphic+organizers
- Virtual Manipulatives: nlvm.usu.edu--anything you can think of and more!
- Interactive whiteboard tools: teachhub.com
- MS Excel: great for charts, even linear modeling and Stats. Don't forget to use the Help search!
- Scientific Notebook: BEST software for writing explanations AND performing math computation, graphing, etc.
- Why modeling matters?: Rachel McAnallen
- Great modeling manipulatives: Learning Resources, http://www.hand2mind.com, search Amazon, ...
- Shell Math: Free math pdfs on a variety of math topics (functions, geometry, ...)
- Great introductory normal distribution site with interactive tools: http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/standard-normal-distribution.html
- Data Library of data sets to use for calculations: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/
- Number Bonds Online Game: http://www.mathplayground.com/number_bonds_10.html
- Apps: a great top 10 list
- GeoGebra: FREE Geometry and Algebra software--similar to Geometer's Sketchpad
- Free Graphing Calculator Apps
- Protractor App
- Stats Software
- Data Sets: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/
- Manipulatives: try Learning Resources, http://www.hand2mind.com, search Amazon, ...
- Probability Games by Marilyn Burns: http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/grmagam.htm
6. Precision
- Remember the Logo Turtle? This online version takes Precision! ( and knowledge of angles)
- Scientific Notebook: BEST software for writing explanations AND performing math computation, graphing, etc.
- MS Equation Editor: built in to Word. Instructions.
- GeoGebra: FREE Geometry and Algebra software--similar to Geometer's Sketchpad
- Math Vocabulary: http://www.graniteschools.org/
depart/teachinglearning/ curriculuminstruction/math/ Pages/MathematicsVocabulary. aspx
- iXL practice (lower levels of Bloom's)
- Shell Math: Free math pdfs on a variety of math topics (functions, geometry, ...)
- GeoGebra: FREE Geometry and Algebra software--similar to Geometer's Sketchpad
- Math Goodies: some low level practice and games--AFTER concept has been mastered
- Scientific Notebook: BEST software for writing explanations AND performing math computation, graphing, etc.
- GeoGebra: FREE Geometry and Algebra software--similar to Geometer's Sketchpad
- MS Equation Editor: built in to Word. Instructions.
- Good lower-level practice: ixl.com,
- http://www.math-drills.com/numbersense.shtml (abstract practice)
Can you make your existing textbook fit new standards?? Here's a great read: Bringing the Common Core State Mathematics Standards to Life (Thanks to Ravalli County's site)
Syllabi ideas for High School Math (Alg I, II, and Geo in 2 years and in 3 years)
Illustrative Mathematics: http://www.illustrativemathematics.org
Internet 4 Classrooms: http://www.internet4classrooms.com/common_core/math_mathematics.htm
Parent Guides (Utah): http://schools.utah.gov/CURR/mathelem/Resources.aspx
MTI (Math Thinking): http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/
New Jersey: https://njctl.org/
Khan Academy (for secondary presentation): http://www.khanacademy.org/
NCTM Illuminations: http://illuminations.nctm.org/
Yummy Math (relevant problems): http://www.yummymath.com/
4th Grade Treasure Hunt: http://www.schoolimprovement.
Indian Education for All Lessons: http://www.opi.mt.gov/Programs/IndianEd/IEFALessonPlans.html
OPI Lesson Template https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86544682/Common%20Core/MCCS%20OPI%20Lesson%20Template.doc
OPI Lesson Template https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86544682/Common%20Core/MCCS%20OPI%20Lesson%20Template.doc
www.gtccmt.org Golden Triangle Cooperative
http://opi.mt.gov/pdf/CCSSO/11NovMathCommonCoreGradeband.pdf OPI GradeBand Math Standards
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